Further thoughts on integrating ICT into learning experiences

Over the past couple of weeks, since discovering that I would be teaching Prep whilst on professional experience, I have been feeling somewhat anxious about how I am going to effectively incorporate ICTs into learning experiences for such a young age group. This ultimately lead me to researching and discovering the online article ‘Technology Integration… Continue reading Further thoughts on integrating ICT into learning experiences

Valuing Reflection cont.

After further reflecting on reflection, I was once again brought back to this web page , which outlined effective methods as to how teachers can guide student reflections:   Discussions/Questioning: Encouraging student reflection is as simple as inviting students to think about their thinking. For example, conduct a whole class discussion about students’ problem-solving processes in… Continue reading Valuing Reflection cont.

Valuing Reflection

The week 10 learning path brought the importance of reflection into focus, particularly in regard to assignment 3. This ultimately lead me to doing some research. This web page introduced me to the book ‘learning and leading with habits of mind’ and focuses on chapter 12 ‘learning through reflection’. Given that a large portion of… Continue reading Valuing Reflection

Web based learning

Some research and general reflection of the week 9 learning path brought me to this article about the benefits and the ability to make a community atmosphere within the classroom of web-based instruction. Within this article, a number of reasons are outlined as to why an educator might choose to utilise web-based instruction. The reasons are… Continue reading Web based learning

Importance of IWBs

The week 9 learning path also brought the utilisation of IWBs in the classroom into focus. Oddly enough, this article brought it to my attention that the first interactive whiteboard was supposedly released in 1991, despite the fact that only in recent years have IWBs become an extremely common and regularly used tool in classroom settings.… Continue reading Importance of IWBs


The week 9 learning path introduced me to the CLEM concept. Specifically, CLEM is an acronym which outlines how to most effectively utilise ICT in order to amplify and transform student learning. Given that professional experience and assignment 3 require us to amplify and transform student learning through the use of ICT, I decided that… Continue reading CLEM

Another reflection on the week 8 learning path

As a result of this week’s learning path, I feel that I would be able to adequately describe the ‘issues and strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching’. As a matter of fact, this online resource http://www.digitalcitizenship.nsw.edu.au/ provides essential and highly relevant information for students, teachers,… Continue reading Another reflection on the week 8 learning path

Digital Citizenship

After doing some research inspired by the Week 8 learning path, I was led to the definition in this web link ‘Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.’ With respect to this statement, I believe I am extremely responsible in regards to my digital citizenship in… Continue reading Digital Citizenship