Valuing Reflection cont.

After further reflecting on reflection, I was once again brought back to this web page , which outlined effective methods as to how teachers can guide student reflections:



  • Encouraging student reflection is as simple as inviting students to think about their thinking. For example, conduct a whole class discussion about students’ problem-solving processes in certain activities. Through these type of discussions, students learn how to listen to and explore the implications of each other’s metacognitive strategies.


  • A teacher can interview a student, or students can interview classmates. Set aside an appropriate time at the end of a learning experience e.g. a lesson/activity to question one another about what has been learned. The teacher should guide students to search for ways in which they can apply their learnings to future situations/settings.

Logs and Journals:

  • Learning logs and journals are an excellent way to incorporate ICTs into student reflection. Regularly ask students to re-read their journals/logs, in order for them to compare what they know at the beginning of a learning experience and what they know now. Ask the students to focus on significant learnings, and to consider how they could apply these learnings to future situations/settings.


Here is another article that’s worth a read in regards to the importance of reflection in education: ‘Reflection is the most important part of the learning process’

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