Further thoughts on integrating ICT into learning experiences

Over the past couple of weeks, since discovering that I would be teaching Prep whilst on professional experience, I have been feeling somewhat anxious about how I am going to effectively incorporate ICTs into learning experiences for such a young age group. This ultimately lead me to researching and discovering the online article ‘Technology Integration | Ideas That Work’ . This online article emphasised that technology has become integrated in the classroom in so many different ways, that teachers often don’t think about how they are using it. As a matter of fact, it is believed that in more and more schools today technology, of ICTs, are now recognised as an instructional tool rather than a subject of instruction. Despite this, the article emphasises that many educators feel that they are less familiar and comfortable with technology than their students, and therefore struggle to effectively integrate an expanding list of ICTs into their classroom. This article lists and outlines multiple ways that teachers can improve upon this, and is advice that I will take with me on professional experience:


  • Websites
  • PowerPoint and Excel
  • Word Processing
  • Miscellaneous technology tools

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