Digital Citizenship

  1. After doing some research inspired by the Week 8 learning path, I was led to the definition in this web linkDigital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.’ With respect to this statement, I believe I am extremely responsible in regards to my digital citizenship in both a personal and professional capacity. I am a consistent user of various social media programs and other similar technologies, and I always aim to ensure that anything that I share, say, or do on any form of social media will not negatively effect my family, friends, or those associated with the professional aspects of my life (work and uni) such as colleagues and fellow students. Specifically, I never reveal the personal information of others, nor do I reveal personal information about myself that should not be made public knowledge. For example, I always keep my passwords private, and I also have two separate email addresses; one for personal use and one for professional use. In terms of financial matters I only ever use safe, reliable programs like Bpay or PayPal in order to ensure that I am not putting my hard earned money at risk when using digital technologies.
  2. Quiz 1 (2 out of 4)

Well I suppose this could have gone better, but on the bright side I guess 50% is still considered a pass, although it would appear that I still have a few things to learn. For the first question (which I got wrong) I had always been told that anyone who bullies typically does it because they are unhappy with aspects of their own life (low self esteem) but apparently this assumption is false. The second question however I got correct, considering it is extremely well known that it is a federal offense to use mobile phones or internet carriers/resources to impersonate someone or to send/post offensive, defamatory, menacing, or harassing images/texts. Given that many people, not just teenagers, seem to spend the majority of their time on their phones, I assumed that the answer to question 3 was true. However I was mistaken. Question 4 I was happy to have gotten correct.

I believe Courtney’s blog will also offer some interesting insights on this topic

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