What is Good ICT and Pedagogy?

Throughout this week’s learning path I was also inspired to reflect on what is good ICT and Pedagogy. This is especially relevant to me, given that I will be utilising ICT and Pedagogy later in the semester when I am on professional experience. I therefore decided to research what others believed what good ICT and pedagogy is. This article states that evidence shows that when educators utilise their knowledge of a learning area and the way in which their students understood the learning area, their utilisation of ICT has a more direct and efficient effect on the engagement of the students. It was also stated that the most effective utilisation of ICT and pedagogy was when the teacher and the software (ICT being used) has the ability to challenge students’ understanding and thinking. This is achieved either through whole class discussions with the utilisation of an interactive whiteboard, or through individual or having students work in teams on the classroom computers. This article has led me to believe that good ICT and pedagogy is simply when an educator has the skill and ability to organise and stimulate the ICT central activity, then whole class instruction and independent work can be equally beneficial and effective. Courtney’s blog will also have some excellent ideas on this topic.

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